3. If you are prone to motion sickness, one time on Star Tours is plenty.
4. If you try to take your daughter on Indiana Jones because you think she’ll love it, be warned. Family therapy awaits.
5. If your daughter uses a FastPass on Indiana Jones and ultimately sits the ride out (waiting for you in the loading area next to a garbage can), you do NOT get the FastPass back.
6. When you sit in the front of the Splash Mountain log wearing denim shorts, the shorts will stay damp in the crotch all day and you will look like you peed in your pants. Your children will think this is hilarious, as will Grandma.
7. If the Dumbo ride says the wait is only 10 minutes, the sign is lying. It’s 30.
10. Sign of the times: The sign for Tom Sawyer’s Island is now covered with a ‘Pirate’s Lair’ sign. But the most popular sign is the one that says “restroom.”
11. Pirates of the Caribbean is a great place to take a nap. Ask my dad.