So here are some musical movie suggestions if you're looking for entertainment.

I may be one of the few people on the planet who saw Rent live, and didn't like it. The movie version stars Idina Menzel (or Adele Dazeem, if you're John Travolta). I may watch it just to listen to her. I just saw her in If/Then on Broadway - she's fabulous.
Okay, I LOVE Grease. That one is definitely on the list. In college we did a lip sync version to Summer Lovin' (dressed as the opposite genders) and won second place in a contest. We should have won first. Just saying.
Gotta cut Footloose. That one brings back some memories. Kevin Bacon! Let the kids' education continue.
Yes, these are for the older kids, but there are some for the younger ones as well, including:
Shrek the Musical - saw this one on Broadway, and loved it. Now it's a movie. Based on a Broadway show. Which was based on a movie, based on a book. Confused?
The Prince of Egypt - I still remember that this came out over Thanksgiving weekend. Crazy, huh? I haven't seen it yet.
Disclosure: Netflix has given me products/services in exchange for posting. As always, all writing and opinions are my own.
You didn't like Rent? I thought I was the only one!