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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Camps: 3 mid-summer camps to consider

It's already mid-summer! If you're looking for some things to interest the kids for an afternoon, here are three to consider. Please comment if you love your kids' camp (and tell us what it is). I know many camps still have availability. Here are more comprehensive lists at:
Sign up for Camp

SCRAP is a facility in San Francisco that recycles all kinds of things and gives them to teachers. They also sell them and do classes. It's a great place. They're hosting SCRAP camp, where your kids will learn about creative reuse, art and the environment. This particular camp is Mosaic Mash-Up.

When: July 30-August 3, from 1-4
Where: SCRAP (801 Toland Street, SF)
Ages: 12-16
Fee: $125
Register: here

Root Division - Summer Youth Studio
Arts classes that explore mixed media and drawing. the elementary school group will focus on mixed media art, creating works exploring their surroundings, neighborhoods and life influences. For middle schoolers, they'll grid and draw from photographs they bring themselves.

When: July 23-27 from 2-5:30.
Where: Root Division (3175 17th Street @ San Van Ness and Shotwell)
Ages: entering grades 3-5 and 6-8
Fee: $250 (scholarships available)
Register: here

Robot Camp - Oakland
Play Cafe is running Robot camp, which uses robot building and computer programming to teach science, technology, engineering and math in a fun way. They'll use LEGO Mindstorms kits, software and laptop computers. Though my 9 year old son hasn't done this particular camp, he just completed two sessions like it at another facility, and had a BLAST.

When: July 30-August 3 from 1-4
Where: Play Cafe (4400 Keller Avenue, Oakland)
Ages: entering grades 3-8
Fee: $160
Register: email them at or call (510) 638-3712

I listed a few others here, which have upcoming dates.


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