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Friday, April 25, 2014

Legacy Girls Study - Recruiting

I've posted about this cancer study in the past, but they've updated their recruiting and I wanted to post about it again. I'm posting the entire email I got about it.

The LEGACY Girls Study is funded by the National Cancer Institute to explore the influence of lifestyle, environmental, and biological factors on growth and development of young girls and teenagers, so that we can learn more about early-life and adolescent factors that may influence health later in life. More than 1,000 girls between the ages of 6 and 13 years and their mothers are participating from 5 centers in the USA and Canada, including 360 girls from the San Francisco Bay Area (

Hormones play an important role in the growth and development of young girls. The LEGACY Girls Study is interested in learning more about hormones that can be measured in urine samples and how such hormones relate to growth and development in girls. In order to prepare for such a study with all LEGACY girls, we will first conduct a pilot study with 40 additional girls, called the LEGACY Girls Hormone Pilot Study.

What will my daughter and I be asked to do in this Hormone Pilot Study?
If you and your daughter agree to be in our study, we will schedule a visit with one of our female interviewers at your home at a time that is convenient for you and your daughter. The visit will take about 30 minutes. 

--collect a first morning urine sample Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 2 period c

ycles.We are looking to enroll daughters (10-13 YO) who have started their periods.  She will be asked to do the following:

(formatting got funky, and I'm having a hard time changing it, so let me repeat)
---collect a first morning urine sample Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 2 period cycles.
---mark on a calendar for 3 months the dates she has her periods and the dates/times of urine collection.
---complete a self-adminstered questionnaire on growth and development
---have body measurements taken (foot size, weight, height, hip and body fat)

Your participation involves completing the following questionnaires about your daughter:
·         Her demographic and family background
·         Her growth and development,
·         Her early-life exposures, lifestyle factors, and medical and family history.

The questionnaires can be completed online or by mail prior to the visit.

Will my daughter and I be reimbursed for the time spent in the study? 
Your daughter will receive a $60 gift card in appreciation of her participation in the Hormone Pilot Study.

Study Contacts: 
Maria Talosig-Garcia, MPH, Study Coordinator

Enid Satariano, MPH, Program Manager

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