I got a lot of interest when I posted about mystery shopping. And I frequently get peppered with questions from friends about getting paid to participate in focus groups and usability studies.
So - here's one for you. I do usabilty studies for a software company that's looking for more guinea pigs. This company uses people like me to try out new products, and I’ve provided oh-so-valuable insight in exchange for oh-so-valuable cash (or rather, AmEx gift certificates plus free software sometimes). You sit in a room with their researcher, who shows you screen shots of a new or revised product. Then you tell them how you would use it, what you think the links do, and whether it's intuitive. Basically, you give your opinion for a fee. And there is no right answer.
I vouch for them, having done several myself. The studies are one-on-one (one reasearcher and you, though they have a mirror where several other people watch what happens), and it usually take place in their office. Occasionally, though, they come to your house (but don't drink your coffee when offered).
Pay is around $150-200 for 90 minutes.
They're recruiting for usability studies and focus groups in the San Francisco Bay Area, Tucson, Boston, San Diego, Plano and some other USA and Canadian cities as well.
I'm happy to refer you to them if you're interested. If so, please comment below with the requested info, or email me (blog@friscokids.net) with the requested info, and I'll forward it to them.
They’ll call you or email you to see if qualify for a particular study. You may have to fill out more info and send it back.
Disclosure: I will not use your information for anything else (if you email it to me, I will delete it from my email once you're referred). Also, I get a $15 gift card if you do a study through this referral.
Here's what I need (post a comment below or email me at blog@friscokids.net).
Your name (REQUIRED):
Occupation/Job Function:
Company Name:
Daytime phone (REQUIRED):
Methods for tracking personal finances:
E.g. Quicken, MS Money, Excel, pen and paper, etc.
Methods for tracking business finances:
E.g. Quicken, MS Money, Excel, pen and paper, QuickBooks, an accountant, Peachtree, ADP, etc.
Location (Bay Area, San Diego, Tucson, Plano, Boston, other (please list))
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